Dunamis Spain

Dr Pastor Paul & Dr Mrs Becky Enenche
Senior Pastors DIGC, World-wide
About us
Dunamis Malaga Spain is a branch church of Dunamis International Gospel Centre Abuja, Nigeria. We are situated in the beautiful city of Malaga Spain, few minutes walk from the Malaga Feria ground.
By the mercies of God, the same unction that flows in our Head Quarter Church, The Glory Dome, flows down to us here in Malaga – all glory to God Almighty who alone is responsible for all the vast testimonies we see and hear.
Our services
What we do
The Word
In all of our meetings the undiluted word of God is preached and taught in a simple and easy to understand manner that benefits all the hearers.
We praise and worship God from the depths of our hearts. We continually sing his praises and glorify his Holy Name.
Our Prayers
We seek the face of God in our prayers and supplications onto Him who alone that hears and answers prayers.
Home Churches
Our home churches are designed and operated from the homes of some of our members and these are a tool to meeting the needs of our members.
As a commission we take the call of our Lord Jesus to take the gospel to the ends of the earth seriously and so speak to word to anyone willing to listen.
We minister to the needs of not only the members of the church but also the community in which we are situated by various means and ways.