Seed of Destiny


SCRIPTURE: Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Praying in the Sprit takes the battle from the physical to the spiritual. Prayer is a vital tool or weapon in the hands of the child of God. The place of prayer in the life and growth of a Christian cannot be overemphasized. Paul the apostle admonished us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, to pray without ceasing. And one thing we do without ceasing is breathing. This means, we are expected to pray as we breathe. One dimension of prayer that yields great results is praying in the Spirit. The Spirit helps our infirmities and makes us to pray fervently without struggle (Romans 8:26). Now, why is praying in the Spirit necessary? Praying in the Spirit engages God and satan; supernatural versus supernatural. It takes the battle from the physical into the spiritual realm, and when you step into that spiritual dimension, victory is guaranteed. Remember this: Praying in the Sprit takes the battle from the physical to the spiritual. ASSIGNMENTS: PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You empower me to pray always. I receive the grace to conquer prayerlessness and spiritual lethargy, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: PRAYER BOOSTERS. QUOTE: Speak to God daily in prayer and let Him know your feelings and challenges. Culled from …

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SCRIPTURE: For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV). THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Money gotten from dubious dealings is called evil money. Our anchor Scripture makes it clear that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Many people indulge in all kinds of dubious dealings in order to get money. Money gotten from dubious dealings is called evil money.  One example of evil money is money gotten from theft or cheating. Theft or cheating could happen in different ways. It could be the refusal to pay hired labourers their due rewards or wages.  Low income earners like drivers, cleaners, manual labourers, etc. are usually treated unfairly just because they are not as powerful as their employers.  For instance, you may have labourers who work for you on a project site and you are to pay each person Seven Thousand Naira (N7,000.00) daily, but you rather decide to pay them Three Thousand Naira (N3,000.00). Now, because they are poor, they cannot talk.  When they ask and complain that their money is not complete, you bark at them, “Go away my friend. Don’t you know how the economy is? Or is it because I paid you something at all?”  But the balance of the money you decide to keep for yourself out of your workers’ wages is evil money. All the money …

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TOPIC: UNDERSTANDING THE REASON FOR LIGHT EXPLOSION SCRIPTURE: Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. Isaiah 60:1. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Light reveals the reason behind any persistent negative cycle around your life. It has been confirmed that one thing God is doing in our lives, church and the nation in this season is the explosion of light. We are in a season of light explosion where God will open our eyes to see unusual things out of Scripture (Psalm 119:18). It is a season where God will show us things in the spirit realm; mysteries shall be unveiled and dissolved in our lives in this season. Now, why do we need the explosion of light in our lives? When light explodes, you will see the reason behind a particular mystery in your life. The explosion of light makes you to know the reason why you have not been able to get the kind of results you have been expecting in your life. Light makes you see what you need to do to shift to the next level. When light explodes, nothing is hidden anymore. When light comes any cause of frustration and stagnation in your life would be exposed. Light unravels and dissolves the mysteries behind most strange, difficult and complex challenges of life.  Light dissolves the mystery behind recurrent afflictions. Light reveals the reason behind persistent negative cycles in life. Luke 8:17 says, For nothing is secret, that …

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Español  LA ESCRITURA: “¡Levántate! ¡Resplandece! Porque ha llegado tu luz, y la gloria del SEÑOR ha resplandecido sobre ti. ISAÍAS 60:1. PENSAMIENTO PARA EL DÍA: La luz revela la razón detrás de cualquier ciclo negativo persistente en la vida de usted. Se ha confirmado que una cosa que Dios está haciendo en nuestras vidas, la iglesia y la nación en esta temporada es la explosión de luz. Estamos en una temporada de explosión de luz donde Dios abrirá nuestros ojos para ver cosas inusuales de las Escrituras (Salmo 119:18). Es una temporada donde Dios nos mostrará cosas en el reino espiritual; los misterios serán revelados y disueltos en nuestras vidas en esta temporada. Ahora bien, ¿por qué necesitamos el estallido de luz en nuestras vidas? Cuando la luz estalla, usted verá la razón detrás de un misterio particular en su vida. La explosión de luz le hace saber la razón por la cual usted no ha podido obtener el tipo de resultados que esperaba en su vida. La luz le hace ver lo que usted necesita hacer para pasar al siguiente nivel. Cuando la luz estalla, ya nada se oculta. Cuando llega la luz, cualquier causa de frustración y estancamiento en la vida de usted quedará expuesta. La luz desentraña y disuelve los misterios detrás de los desafíos más extraños, difíciles y complejos de la vida. La luz disuelve el misterio detrás de las aflicciones recurrentes. La luz revela la razón detrás de los persistentes ciclos negativos en la vida. …

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SCRIPTURE: And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: Isaiah 37:31 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The buoyancy of your relationship with God determines the vibrancy of your life on earth. Progress with God is progress indeed. It has been confirmed that every product on earth is made of a combination of forces, factors, raw materials, or organs. For example, in the university system, you have various departments or units. You have the vice chancellor who oversees the entire university. You have the registrar, the accounting and bursary staff; other academic and non-academic staff, etc. Everything works together in synergy to ensure the university system functions effectively. In the same manner, some factors or forces must be in place for a person’s destiny to be fulfilled. Now, what are these factors or forces?i. The force of spirituality (Isaiah 37:31).How far you go with God determines how far you can go in life. The buoyancy of your relationship with God determines the vibrancy of your life on earth. Progress with God is progress indeed. You cannot lag behind in life when you go far with God. ii. The force of mentality (Prov. 23:7).Mentality sets the pace for destiny. It is the pacesetter for destiny. The mind of a man determines his limits in life. Where the mind stops working, life stops working. The reason why the life of a mad man does not work is because his mind is not …

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